An Introduction to the WanderingBotz NFT

4 min readFeb 25, 2022


We would like to welcome you to our new NFT project, WanderingBotz.

WanderingBotz are created with inspiration from our favorite toys — Lego and characters we created over two decades ago! They are cute, fun, naughty, and playful. When you look at them, you instantly get inspired with playfulness and ideas about their story and character. Our idea is to envision this NFT as a toy and encourage the imagination and creativity that we had while playing with toys. We have joined the NFT train with our designs, but with the idea that we will do our NFTs a little bit slower, with more attention to every single WanderingBotz NFT.

WanderingBotz NFT classes of the Generation One. From left to right: Porta, Paragon, AP Reverin, Merrik, Neva Boler, Rosa and Nes Borand.
WanderingBotz NFT classes of the Generation One. From left to right: Porta, Paragon, AP Reverin, Merrik, Neva Boler, Rosa and Nes Borand.

Our process of creating WanderingBotz NFTs

We didn’t generate a single collection of 10.000 NFTs at once, but rather create each one specifically. As we want each one of our NFTs to be perfect, attractive, and offer a hint of Botz character. So, we can say that our NFTs are created as hand-made artworks, each one made with a passion. Since our process is slower than the rest of the NFT marketplace, we can control the reveal of the story, expansion, branching, and introduction of new Botz in the narrative of the story.

There is no limit to how WanderingBotz NFTs could look. There are an unlimited number of possibilities for variations and designs. The only limits are the current generation’s color pallet and classes. The rest is open for our, and our community’s, imagination, which should reflect our initial inspiration and reflection of a playful moments.

Generation one will bring 12 classes of Botz: Merrik, Jazmi, Automata, Midas, Paragon, Rosa, Adi-Koth Tiplar, Neva Boler, Nes Borand, Nes Enduro, AP Reverin and Porta.

WanderingBotz NFT selection from Generation One. WanderingBotz NFT Merrik classes of Botz, which are the first ones who will land to Earth.

A total of 2500 NFTs is planned for Generation One. Each next generation will bring the next group of 2500 NFTs, with new story-lines, characters, and classes. We will start our journey with a public lunch of 200 Merrik class WanderingBotz NFTs on the OpenSea marketplace. These are scouts, and the first ones to discover Earth in their journey throughout the universe.

Our goal is to have weekly and monthly public landings with new classes, and steadily grow and speed up landings and travel. Then we will wait for the engineering classes of Botz, who will be key figures with their technology. They will bring us needed hardware in order to help us speed up the process of creating WanderingBotz NFTs.

Rarity and supply of the WanderingBotz

WanderingBotz NFT supply and rarity in the Generation One

WanderingBotz have a range of rarity and exclusivity in generation One as the first Botz that have landed to Earth. Ranging by class there will be 4 levels of rarity, with 30% dedicated in each class to exotic variants of WanderingBotz. Levels will be split into common, semi-rare, rare and ultra-rare, and each level can hold few classes of Botz .Occasionally there will be limited editions and legendary classes of Botz.

WanderingBotz NFT Merrik exotic class with camouflage.

Future developments and ideas

Aside from being very cool and cute profile pictures, these NFTs will provide more opportunities for utility in the future. With a range of things like game platform, testing stations for Bot operational status, WanderingProbe upgrades for your NFTs, and many more. Also, we have plans for community participation in the events, giveaways, claiming limited edition NFTs and many more activities that will bring the community together.

The idea of creating these NFTs is for people to become part of the WanderingBotz NFT community and help in directing the development, steady growth, and direction in which this story can expand.

WanderingBotz NFT common classes of Botz. From left to right: Merrik, Jazmi, Automata, Midas.

We believe that the NFT market is the perfect tool to introduce WanderingBotz to the masses and spread our ideas, play together, and expand the narrative of the WanderingBotz world. Like any story, this one will also have a beginning, and we won’t see the true potential right away. But we have big plans for development and expansion, and we want to introduce community ideas as much as possible for the WanderingBotz universe.

We are planning a public launch with 200 WanderingBotz NFTs on the OpenSea marketplace on March 18th, 2022!

The first Botz that will land on Earth are the Merrik class of Botz, who are scouts and recently discovered Earth on their journey.

Be sure to visit and follow us on Twitter to explore stories, ideas, and share your thoughts.

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